Villagers tell me a consistent vision of the future. Together, we want safe, walkable neighborhoods, affordable housing for families and seniors, efficient government, and a village that supports a sustainable future.
Towards those goals, I’ve worked to create ADA compliant sidewalks with a grant. I’ve replaced our street lighting system with energy efficient LEDs, cutting our energy bill and CO2 emissions. I’ve obtained grants to replace damaged trees with new trees that will stand for years to come. I’ve planted some of those trees with my own hands.
As liaison to the Highway Dept, I’ve recommended new hires, budgeted and planned for regular street improvements and improvements to our parks. As part of the hiring committee for the new head of Public Works, I believe that we selected the best person for the job.
The future excites me. Building on a collaboration with Dutchess County, I am working to make Rt.9 more walkable and bikeable. I am working with NYSDOT towards a historically sensitive design for a replacement bridge over the Landsman Kill at Rt.9. Collaborating with the Highway Dept, the Tree Commission and landscapers, I will continue to make our parks more attractive and user friendly.
I seek reelection because I am proud of my accomplishments, and yet believe there is so much more to be done.